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Data from oceanography measurements and models.

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The Scottish Shelf Model 1990 – 2014 climatology version 2.01

Marine Scotland is the custodian of a hydrodynamic model of Scottish continental shelf waters, the Scottish Shelf Model (SSM). The wider Scottish Shelf model (SSM) domain covers the Scottish continental shelf at relatively high resolution (up to 1 km node spacing at the coastline) but also covers most of UK waters, the North Sea and the English Channel. The domain extends in longitude from approximately 13° W to 13° E, including the Baltic Sea. The Wider SSM version 2.01 is a full year climatological run, which represents average conditions for 1990-2014 with a 1993 tidal component.

Reduced precision output for selected variables are available as download from

De Dominicis, M., O'Hara Murray, R., Wolf, J., Gallego, A. 2018. The Scottish Shelf Model 1990 – 2014 climatology version 2.01. doi: 10.7489/12037-1

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-4.3505859375 48.384857921913, -11.7333984375 48.326454191247, -15.1611328125 50.833142031762, -15.4248046875 58.343638911474, -5.0537109375 61.595527544445, 5.3173828125 61.720700759527, 5.4052734375 59.96556936563, 6.1962890625 58.343638911474, 7.8662109375 57.926050121667, 9.9755859375 59.254199785338, 10.8544921875 59.921549102356, 12.0849609375 57.785763622954, 12.9638671875 56.401257557685, 11.2939453125 55.565424557501, 10.21728515625 55.967403889612, 10.74462890625 56.285815088664, 10.30517578125 56.698232592157, 10.61279296875 57.721517735838, 9.51416015625 57.201521199521, 8.32763671875 56.914759869592, 8.15185546875 55.720675054594, 8.72314453125 55.422529381455, 8.76708984375 54.386699147066, 8.63525390625 53.715955315904, 5.77880859375 53.166269794584, 3.0322265625 51.165014919288, -0.0439453125 49.595899833366, -1.7138671875 49.652835016909, -1.5380859375 48.617803596581))
English (United Kingdom)
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Hourly for 1 climatological year repsenting 1990-2014 with a 1993 tidal component
De Dominicis, M., O'Hara Murray, R., Wolf, J., Gallego, A.
Data Dictionary

The SSM is an implementation of the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM). FVCOM was developed by the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, USA, by Chen et al. (2003) and is still actively being developed. The Wider SSM 2.01 is a full year climatological run, which represents average conditions with a 1993 tidal component. The model forcing is made up of the following:
• Boundary condition: Atlantic Margin Model 7 km (1990-2014) (Edwards et al. 2012, O’Dea 2012).
• Atmospheric: ERA-interim (1990-2014) (Dee et al, 2011).
• Freshwater input: Grid 2 Grid (1962-2011) obtained from the Centre of Ecology (CEH) (Bell et al. 2007, Cole and Moore 2009).
For a full description see De Dominicis et al. (2017).

The data are formatted as netCDF 64-bit offset.

Gridding is Regular grid covering UK shelf waters, approximately:
12°W – 12°E
48.5°N – 61.5°N
Coordinates: Spherical WGS84
Spatial resolution: Unstructured grid down to 1 km between nodes along coastline

Published papers and reports related to the data:
Bell, V. A., Kay, A. L., Jones, R. G., & Moore, R. J. (2007). Development of a high resolution grid-based river flow model for use with regional climate model output. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

Cole, S. J., & Moore, R. J. (2009). Distributed hydrological modelling using weather radar in gauged and ungauged basins. Advances in Water Resources.

De Dominicis, M., O’Hara Murray, R., & Wolf, J. (2017). Multi-scale ocean response to a large tidal stream turbine array. Renewable Energy, 114, 1160–1179.

Dee, D. P., Uppala, S. M., Simmons, A. J., Berrisford, P., Poli, P., Kobayashi, S., et al. (2011). The ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data assimilation system. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137(656), 553–597.

Edwards, K. P., Barciela, R., & Butenschön, M. (2012). Validation of the NEMO-ERSEM operational ecosystem model for the North West European Continental Shelf. Ocean Sci.

O’Dea, E. J., Arnold, A. K., Edwards, K. P., Furner, R., Hyder, P., Martin, M. J., et al. (2012). An operational ocean forecast system incorporating NEMO and SST data assimilation for the tidally driven European North-West shelf. Journal of Operational Oceanography.

Wolf, J., Yates, N., Brereton, A., Buckland, H., De Dominicis, M., Gallego, A., & O’Hara Murray, R. (2016). The Scottish Shelf Model. Part 1: Shelf-Wide Domain. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science, 7(3).

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