All measurements are recorded every 10 seconds and stored every 15 minutes. Data were then aggregated at an hourly level. Units appear in the headers.
Column Descriptions / units:
Year. - year of observation
month. - month of observation
day. - day of observation
hour. - hour of observation
Air temperature.°C - mean air temperature
Relative humidity (avg).% - mean % relative humidity
Relative humidity (min).% - minimum % relative humidity
Relative humidity (max).% - maximum % relative humidity
Solar radiation received at surface.W m-2 - mean incoming solar radiation
Outgoing solar radiation.W m-2 - mean outgoing (reflected from water surface) solar radiation
Solar radiation received at bed.W m-2 - mean solar radiation reaching the river bed (passing through the water column)
Net radiation.W m-2 - mean net radiation
Bed heat flux.W m-2 - mean bed heat flux measured 0.05 cm below bed using a soil heat flux plate
Wind speed (average).ms-1 - mean wind speed
Wind speed (min).ms-1 - minimum wind speed
Wind speed (max).ms-1 – maximum wind speed - total measured rainfall
Water temperature.°C - mean surface water temperature
Bed temperature (5 cm).°C - bed temperature at 5 cm below bed in hyporhic zone
Bed temperature (20 cm).°C - bed temperature at 20 cm below bed in hyporhic zone
Bed temperature (40 cm).°C - bed temperature at 40 cm below bed in hyporhic zone