Primary tabs

NEPS Fish species presence absence data

Column - Description

site_name - Unique site identifier

Easting - Site easting

Northing - Site northing

date - Date of electrofishing event

year - Year of electrofishing event

species - Fish species. Note that the species reported here are only included where they are caught in at least one of the NEPS sites. Any species not reported are absent from all NEPS sites.

In the following cases, some data providers were not able to identify to individual species levels and the following groupings were applied:

"Lampetra (?spp)" – lamprey larval stage, unrecorded species
"Lamprey (?spp)" – lamprey, unrecorded species
"Stickleback (?spp)" - stickleback, unrecorded species
"SalmonidFry" – Atlantic salmon or brown trout fry that are too small to differentiate at time of sampling
"SalmonidHybrids” – Atlantic salmon / brown trout hybrid

presence_absence - Species present (1) or absent (0)

Additional Information

resource typefile upload
timestampMar 04, 2022