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The bathymetry of the north coast of Scotland off Farr Point

A mulitbeam bathymetry survey was carried out off the north coast of Scotland between the Kyle of Tongue and west of Thurso in August 2014. The area is of interest for renewable development and the survey provides high resolution bathymetric data in order to assist in locating suitable areas for the deployment of renewable devices. The survey was complemented by drop frame TV tows providing video and digital stills in order to ground-truth the bathymetric data and provide information on species and habitats of conservation interest.

Marine Scotland. 2015. The bathymetry of the north coast of Scotland off Farr Point. DOI: 10.7489/1619-1
Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Temporal Coverage
2014-05-12 to 2014-05-29
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Marion Harrald
Data Dictionary

Multibeam echosounding was undertaken on board the MRV Scotia (69 m) using a dual frequency Reson 7125 system. The 400 kHz frequency is designed to provide high resolution bathymetry and acoustic reflectivity (backscatter) data at depths of between 0.5 and 150 m and swath widths are approximately 4 times the water depth. The positions were georeferenced using an Applanix POS MV™. A sound velocity probe was used daily to take water column profiles. The vessel maintained a steady speed of 4 knots in depths less than 60 m and 8 knots at depths greater than 60 m. The swath bathymetry data were acquired as pds and s7k files using the software PDS 2000. The s7k files were processed using the software Caris Hips and Sips Professional and the POSMV data processed in POSPac MMS. The data were projected to WGS84 UTM Zone 30°North, corrected to chart datum and cleaned to a 2m resolution. Further derived layers were created using ArcInfo and Fledermaus.

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Marine Scotland Science
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